
Danbury, CT


   Tuesday 2014-08-19


Sharings with carry and nudges with heart


1)  Authentic  human communications  (of course ) before the written means added.

      ( a shortened spatial  stretch  tOyed  with:     HAV  ,

              H – Human

              A – Authentic

              V – Very abundant  )


2)    Natural carriers      the human voice, the pattern of lines,   the sense of senseS


3)    Counter-points  and points     – re-framings      – stay awake


4)   BiCaptialization   and eXtensions in multiple dimensions


5)  It is commonly expected that if Galileo Galilei had the communication tools of the internet back in his days, then daily life today could be much different.  Today’s tools today is what we have.


6)  The speed of carries  is of unknown timings.



                      David of Danbury