
Danbury, CT

   in front of promised patio    and at home

     Wednesday  2013-10-16


Space galore


Space is a word for outer space

       way way OUT there over over there,    

that which is IN-BETWEEN ‘things’

       the spread of nothingness that allows identity.


Way way all around – nothingness ‘seen’ as a spreading between:

        celestial objects – galaxies, stars, planets, moving rocks

        our moon in orbit back to view our mother earth

        our daily lives – every ‘object’ to each and every other ‘object’

        human fingers squeezed to very very tight,  solid rocks squished in

        within matter –  atoms to atoms within molecules

        within atoms – between the cores of electrons, protons, neutrons

        within each or these cores, additional smaller cores are spread


Space as a concept for things far far away.

Space as an experience in our daily lives

         – it gives function and form to things.

Space that is embedded inside object we know

         – an unknown amount and taken for granted.


As a measure of how little CORE-STUFF is left

            after all space is squeezed out an ‘object’

   Something familiar and of substantial size could serve as an example

               In New York City, the Empire State Building

                    – all 1450 feet of it  ( 102 floors )

                   compress compress it till all the air is out 

                           and  the materials lie flat on the ground

                   compress compress and keep compressing till

                          all the space of all materials is out

                   What is left?

                                 Something the size of a grain of rice

                                 A very very heavy “grain of rice”

                                 Hundreds of millions pounds


What is space is a very very large question.

For now,  just to know

       if the space between the stars has the same properties as the properties of the space that just left the compressed Empire State Building.


                         David of Danbury